David Wolverton’s YA Writing Workshop

July 2, 2013 | Writing & Education | Author:

I just got back from a week long brain session at St. George, Utah learning from none other than David Wolverton!  For any of my less savvy friends, David is a best-selling author of the Runelord Series, and numerous other fantastic fare.  Go check him out at

Writing workshops are nectar to the starved writer’s soul.  We write in a vacuum, so, over time, most writers turn into scary anti-social shut-ins.  Workshops, and other conventions and festivals, allow us to see the light of day.

But I digress…

The YA Workshop = AMAZING.  David is a wonderful teacher.  He instructed both Stephanie Meyer AND Brandon Sanderson back at BYU.  And once you take one of his workshops, you’ll know how those guys got so successful.  It’s a combo of talent, hard work, and business know-how.   David breaks it all down, both the art of writing great prose and how to get published.

The other perk was getting to know my other alums.  Every one of them had a compelling book, and I expect we’ll see them in print over the next year!

I periodically post links to other workshops and seminars.  For all my peeps in Hollywood – wise up and GO!


